Monday, June 14, 2010

Love for Work as Evangelism

I've often said regarding how to think about Christians sharing their faith with their friends, "We should love people so much that they would understand and be blessed by our faith."  Thinking this way helps us avoid both extremes of (1) being obnoxious and (2) of never talking about our spirituality.

With the passing of Coach John Wooden, it's made me wonder if his example might help us apply this statement to our work.  "He loved his job so much that people understood and were blessed by his faith."  

This may not be something everyone can connect with.  I know many people hate their work, and others are learning how to love it.  But for those who can learn to love their work, or who already do, let your love move you to thankfulness and a vigor to do it well.  Realize that in your work you are imaging God who creates, maintains, and restores the world and let that realization prompt  you to do your work in his name and so that others might see how he does what you do.

This would bless Christians in the church to follow suit.  It would also bless folks who aren't Christians, enabling them to understand and be influenced by Christianity's ability to see that work can be a wonderful gift and blessing.


Michele Corbett said...

I recently saw a license plate frame that said, "Love what you do. Do what you love." It's my new mantra. No matter what, love.

Bryanshawn said...

pastor steven

thanks for this quick blog. it was very much needed as i was sitting at my computer researching not filled with thankfulness.

much love brother