Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Joy of Family Ministry in Downtown

What's it like doing ministry with four children in downtown?

Well, take today for instance. Sunday, just before noon we're leaving the Pacific Gaslamp Theatre, where Harbor Downtown meets for worship every week. It had been a good morning, and Lainie and the kids and I are leaving the theatre, heading for the car.

First, right on the corner where the theatre is we see 3 incredibly drunk women flirting and throwing themselves at a "For Lease Sign Spinner." They were laughing way too much, they were posing for pictures with him, and he was obviously frustrated that he couldn't leave his post to offer these ladies a ride home.

Maybe the kids won't notice? Wrong.

"Daddy, what are these girls doing?"
"Well, they're drunk. This is what happens to people when they drink too much alcohol. You lose control of yourself and end up doing things you wish you didn't."
"They're drunk? But it's the morning!"
(Thinking, "That's a good point,") saying "Yea, well, it looks like they have been drinking all night, and maybe now they're going home." (All the while, I'm thinking about Acts 2:15 with a renewed sense of understanding).
"Kids, this isn't the kind of attention you want to get from other people."
Amanda, age 5 1/2: "Yea, when I first saw them, I thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend."

But, wait, there's more.

When we arrived at the car, we were getting ready to pile in, and Ryan was carrying something in his hand. I had noticed a minute earlier that he had a quarter sheet of colored paper. I had assumed it was from his Sunday School class. Well, I got a closer look at the paper, there was a naked woman on the front! I didn't actually get a good look at it, but I said, "Uh... why does Ryan have porn in his hand?" Lainie grabbed it and it landed safely in the trash.

1. This is hilarious! If you can't laugh at life, you will lose your sanity.
2. Wow, lots to see in Downtown! Maybe this is how Solomon felt when he had to come up with his explanations for what his son saw in chapters 5 and 7.
3. Thank God Harbor Downtown is here!!


Bryanshawn said...

hilarious...what a big change from the parking lot at temple bat yahm huh? the worst thing youll see there is a hand out the church printed that some redeemerite didnt give a crap about oh yeah and maybe my BIBLE I FORGOT AGAIN!!!!!!


Linda said...

Love this window into your life.

Shannon said...

You have the best kids! I love hearing all the quirky things they say. Such sweeties! They are so smart.